Twin Souls – Journey to LOVE

I just have to share a story of LOVE that one of my clients channeled recently. She is going through an extreme spiritual awakening, new abilities and insights are coming to her non stop. She has discovered that it was her meeting of  her Twin Soul that catapulted her into a whole new reality and way of being. What follows are her words unedited…

Journey to love

 I thought I knew what love was. I knew nothing. I realise now that love is not a feeling, but being, it is not a desire to have, but desire to be… I have felt it running through my veins, my whole being – breaking me, then making me, only to repeat the same over and over. No matter what it was doing, it was just staying with me everyday. I thought I was going crazy, what was this obsession in my head, I have tried so hard to run from it, only to find it getting stronger inside. I resented, rejected, feared, doubted, hated, I blamed, judged, I tried to find all the flaws in it and I could easily list all the harsh words from my memory, I had no tears left, sadness took over, pain was crucifying. Each time, I felt slightly back to my old self, universe kept reminding me of him, there was no escape from it. Each time I tried to block, I was thrown into situations, harsh lessons, had accidents, as if the universe and/or some higher beings were telling me that my destiny was written, it had a higher purpose and I could not swim against the current. Pain and sadness took over my whole being, and I lost myself again and again. I could no longer identify with my old self, I was drowning..

Love sick, twin soulsThinking of the time we spent together hurt too much as I missed them. I could not understand how someone I barely knew triggered so much in me. My mind could not comprehend why he seemed so familiar, as if we met before, and why there was this urge to care and love him always. My unknown psychic abilities jumped out when I was physically with him, my predictions were always right on many things, and future ones have come to pass, such as a virus to appear in 2020. I could guess what he was about to say, and felt what he was feeling. Time I spent with him, I felt so empowered, yet so drained. I just knew so much about this person, yet I knew very little. As if there were two of him, and there were two of me, he introduced me to my other me, which I did not know existed. Time we spent together felt like home, time and space did not exist, only total openness to each other did. Me, who controlled her time and space, and even love, none existed anymore, only thing mattered was to be in this combined energy, electrifying, suffocating, fearful, yet fearless, pure love beyond layers of conditioning. Now I realise that this was the beginning of the journey to love, to my very core being, through this love I felt for him deep inside. That was 2019, 1 is the beginning and 9 is the end, all started and ended and I left my old me behind in that year. Little did I know that 2020 symbolised the mirror soul, 20 and 20, transformation back to my true self, back to love, miracles of love, miracles of life, and beyond..

broken heartI was heartbroken when he decided to go back to his country, and I still kept on chasing. I thought he was playing this game, only for me to admit my true feelings, but I was too scared of rejections. I realise now that by chasing him, I was running away from myself. I thought he ran away, rejecting me, and I resented it. But now I realise that I was actually rejecting myself. Why would he want to be with me, I am older, I felt not that pretty anymore, and perhaps I corrected him too much, was I dominating, and our backgrounds, cultures so different, I just did not fit in his world. Even our star signs were against us, Capricorn and Aries apparently do not match. Nothing made sense anymore. Yet there was this knowing, this was special and he felt something. Little did I know that he was also afraid of rejections, same as me. But ego took over as usual, and our silent fight, I am bigger than you, started through texts, or social media. I did not like what I was becoming, or did I ever like myself, there were too many questions with no answers. How could I resent someone and yet love him so deep, or was this love or obsession. I was breaking, until I could break no more. My friends had enough of me talking about my broken heart, I had enough talking about it too. 

People say time will make us forget, then how come my love is growing stronger each day, with time.

psychic connectionTo my disbelief, I found myself on a psychic site online one day, looking for some answers. This was new to me. Slightly drunk with wine. This woman knew so much about me, and him, it was surreal. I remember when she said his love was so deep, and was scaring him, I felt my heart taking another beat. Then the text she sent mentioned ‘deep twin souls connection’.. I had no idea what this was, but hearing he loved me was enough to find a light again and I hung on to it so deep. After the reading, twin soul connection research started, and more I read, more overwhelmed I was. My heart was broken in a different way, I did not understand. I went through eight different psychics, only to find the same answer, and some said very rare connection, or two sides of the same coin. I did not understand why he would leave, if he loved me. Was I too ugly, drama queen, someone with lots of issues, gone through two divorces and had traumas in her life.. It was still me that he was rejecting. I cried for the mountains. 

Twin Souls?

I wanted to share my new information with him, but I could not. Yet on our last electrifying text message, I mentioned jokingly all twin souls finding each other to help the universe. The text was silent after that. A week after I sent my last ever text, wishing him well, and that he has my favourite book and I have his to cherish. That was that, I cried lots more. I felt numb.

in tune with natureThen one morning when I was walking through my local park, colours and sounds started talking to me, and my vision, awareness became so sharp, I was at that now moment, beyond consciousness, beyond this world. I could watch hundreds of leaves falling at the same time and record each fall in unique detail, I could see thousands of different green, yellow blue, much more. Energy inside started to grow, and tears started to fall, but this time with joy and love, empty and yet so full. That was the first time I could feel my soul waking me from inside out, deep inside, with love. It was beautiful. And I knew, I surrendered at that moment. Thank you, I love you, please forgive me.

swan heartWhen I let go and accepted, synchronicities entered into my life, as if to motivate me, that I was on the right path. If I had doubts, they would come back more. I remember asking the universe to show me two swans in 24 hours, if this connection was real. In the middle of winter, this was an impossible task, even for the universe. Some hours later, I was at work, in front of my PC, I clicked on a currency exchange website, and there they were, two swans together creating a heart shape! I remember laughing so hard, full of love. How could I have doubted, I learnt about faith that day. 

Path of love, no matter what, love had to concur. Once I let go, I was guided to the right mentors, teachers, and each had their own timelines in my life. Learning materials entered into my life the same way, teaching me, trusting in me, helping me to find my true self, helping me to trust in the love, and its higher purpose. 

glowing lightThis love was beyond love, it was a divine love, it had/has a purpose and it involved more than one or two, but the whole healing process of the universe. The voice inside me was waking up, and I was downloaded with lights and vibrations at night times, out of the world sounds would whisper in to my ear.

His love is always here with me. I can feel him holding my hand, kissing me on my cheek, making love to me, I can feel my heart expanding, opening up, having extra beats as if our hearts merge into one. I can feel that loving on top of my head, divine touch, supporting me, guiding me. Love is growing day by day, and so love to myself. I forgive all that I know and I rejected about myself, and if I get another chance with him, I will tell him how much he means to me. I trust that we will meet again. 

Never give up on love, or rather love never gives up on you. ~~~ O.T., Oracle of Truth

“Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.” ~ Rumi

I hope that this story speaks to you in a way that resonates with your heart and gives insight into your own experience. Please leave any comments or similar experience in the comments below.

Peace, Love & Light,

Linda Armstrong


