Keep your Sanity… not that easy!


WOW, seems like we are living in a crazy world for sure. At least for those who are paying attention to what is going on with governments around the world. Many of you are aware that we are going through a Great Awakening. As we go through this awakening, as the planet is receiving and holding more light, the darkness is being brought out for all to see. All of this is what makes it so hard to keep your sanity.

Old systems are being exposed and will be replaced by new ones that are to assist humanity in living in more harmony and love for each other. These old systems were developed to separate the people and have us be opposed to one another for a variety of reasons that have been created in order to enslave us.

Not anymore! No way! Not falling for this New World Order crap!

It’s not only the systems in place that are external to us, but it’s our own internal energy systems as well. As more light comes to the planet the denser energies within us also come to the surface. Making it oh so hard to keep your sanity. After all, the energy that holds us back just needs to be seen in order to be released. When light shines on the denser energies they then can release. Doesn’t feel good as we go through the change but just trust that you are headed for peace and joy.

Spiritual Awakening, raise your vibrationMany of you are aware, your body is going through many changes as this energy is being released. See my article on 51 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening to see these symptoms and suggestions on what you can do for each of them. It’s not always comfortable as we release these denser energies from our physical body. It’s also for sure not comfortable as we release denser energies from our emotional body. But it will all be worth it once we get through to the other side which is filled with light and LOVE!

So what’s on the other side… Sanity, Peace & LOVE!

We are moving into a time of great peace and love which of course brings Sanity! YES, how I look forward to days when we all realize we are the same no matter our race, sex, opinions, etc. We can love each other even when we disagree. The world would be pretty boring if we all agreed on everything. But no longer will we be pushed to think in a certain way and behaving in a certain way. All of that opposition was designed to stop us from thinking for ourselves, and especially from connecting to our hearts first before reacting.

You’ve just gotta love the LIGHT!

I live in America. America is founded in FREEDOM! That freedom is being threatened, but we will always be FREE here in America. The Evil Ones will try their best but they will fail. As America protects it’s FREEDOM so too will the rest of the world follow along. Light will prevail over darkness. But, people need to see this darkness as it is being exposed so that they never drop their guard again. We were slowly being brainwashed as freedoms were being taken away bit by bit. We will keep our Freedom and we will keep or Sanity!

Shine your LightSo, what can we do to keep our SANITY as this all unfolds?

First and foremost connect to LOVE, connect to our heart and listen to our intuition. Your intuition is God’s voice flowing on the energy of LOVE. Easier said than done, I know. So to do this I find the best way, the easiest way, is to disconnect from all the chatter. Disconnect from the news, especially the mainstream news. Disconnect from negative people in your life. And for sure when you have to be around them just place a beautiful bubble of light all around you.

You can go out into nature. Rejuvenate, find Solitude!

Find a quiet place like a park or your backyard. I like to drive out to Bear Mountain here in New York and look out at the Hudson River and all the magnificent trees. Feel the sun on your face and just be. I also do this in my own backyard. I look at the leaves on the trees, the sky, I listen to the birds and the insects. I notice the animals that live around my home be it deer, turkeys, squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, possum, groundhogs, frogs, snakes, etc. Whichever might be visiting my yard at the time. Just looking at nature, being present, allowing for calm peaceful breath, quitting my thoughts, just being with all the beauty around me. This is a sure way to reconnect to your higher self.

You might want to put bare feet on the grass. Hug a tree, touch a flower, dig in the dirt, just allowing yourself to ground in to this beautiful Earth we live on. Imagine that you are connecting to the heavens asking for love and light to come into your body. Asking that light to release any denser energies out through your feet to go deep into the earth to be transformed back to love. Then ask the Earth to send up to you it’s powerful, grounding energy to re-energize you. And just imagine that light coming in, denser energy going out, new energy coming in from the earth, and just keep repeating that cycle for a few times. You will feel amazing.

I actually wrote this article a few weeks ago and forgot about posting it until I did an Energy Update for my YouTube Channel. Watch what the cards had to say…




Send LoVe out! One of the best ways to Keep your Sanity.

Most of all send love out to the world as it goes through this transition. Send love out everyone you know. Send it to your animals, send it to your home, your job, etc. As you do this you help spread the light that is coming to you out to everything. Light is what heals, Love is light, Love heals everything. I like to imagine wrapping the world with a beautiful, fluffy blanket of LOVE. I do this many times each day. Imagine if everyone did this. The world will move through this transition with ease.

If you think it’s hard to send love watch my video on sending love. It’s really the easiest thing you can do. And believe it or not, it works!

Shift your attention to Raise your Vibration!

Raise your VibrationIf you have trouble with doing these things I just suggested, then my next favorites are to watch a funny show or movie. Look for videos of your favorite comedians. Read an uplifting book. Create some artwork. Play a game with a child. Play some music and dance until you are smiling and working up a sweat. As we do these things we DO NOT feed the negative energy. When we all stop feeding into the negativity (which is created by the systems designed to keep us down) they loose their power and LOVE WINS!

It’s all about living through love and loving our lives. That’s our job here on Earth. Find ways to enjoy this job. And guess what? As you do it will pay off in unexpected and amazing ways.

Peace, Love & Light,

Linda Armstrong


